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Here you can find out about my writing,
the editorial services I offer
and news of latest projects.
Let the words blossom!
Here you can find out about my writing,
the editorial services I offer
and news of latest projects.
Let the words blossom!
![]() Coming up! Free workshop:
Writing for Stage and Screen Saturday 28th September 2024 2pm – 6 pm Southern Maltings Arts Centre, Ware An Arts in East Herts showcase event Come and explore writing drama in this fun and practical workshop which I'm running, together with screenwriter Thom Jackson-Wood. This workshop is suitable for all (including young people aged 13+), whether you have an idea for a drama and want to develop it further or whether you just want to have a go at writing! You’ll find out about: Creating great characters Bringing dialogue to life Thinking visually for the screen The secret of a good scene The different practicalities of film/TV and theatre The workshop is free of charge but please book a place via the Southern Maltings website: link here Free Creative Writing Workshop - Southern Maltings OUT NOW! Three of my scripts have been published in a fantastic edition from Coverstory Books. All three plays had successful productions (see the Theatre page) and I hope that publication means they can have a continuing life, to be read and even performed again. The book is available to order from any bookshop, ISBN no. 9781916289956. See: https://coverstorybooks.com/pins-feathers-three-plays-kate-miller/ Underfoot - a year of walking and nature Since early 2021 I've been writing a blog - Underfoot: adventures in the nearby and close-at-hand. Find out more here. New poems I'm delighted to have poems out in a new collection from Coverstory Books, entitled 'Triple Measures'. I'm alongside brilliant fellow poets Tom Furniss and Ian Gouge and between us we have poems on love, loss, trees, old photographs, thermophile bacteria... it's all in there. https://coverstorybooks.com/triple-measures-furniss-gouge-miller/ |